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By purchasing any contortion class or course from Andromeda Circus (AC) you are agreeing to accept all parts of this disclaimer. You acknowledge and accept that:


1.     You have chosen to purchase and participate in circus training, and you must be alert and listen to the instructions given by the coach carefully


2.     You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically fit and mentally fit for the class/course and if you are unsure, you should consult your doctor before commencing any class/course.


3.     You must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, prescription or otherwise, which would in any way impair your ability to safely participate in the class/course and if you are unsure, you should consult your doctor before commencing any class/course.


4.     You must understand that circus training can come with possible risks and when participating in any class/course there is the possibility of physical injury.


5.     You must not attempt moves that are beyond your current skill level or that you feel that you are not ready to perform unless under the supervision of the class/course instructor.


6.     You are participating voluntarily in an AC class/course, and you alone are solely and personally responsible for your results. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health and safety, life, and well-being, as well as others around you, while you practice.


7.     If participating in an online class/course, you accept sole responsibility for your own conduct and actions and the condition and adequacy of the equipment you are using and you must ensure that your training space is free from objects or obstruction and is a safe and adequate space to train in.


8.     You understand that any class/course is at your own risk and that you are responsible for any injury that you may cause to your own person or to others whilst participating in any AC class/course. AC does not and will not be held liable should injury or death occur to yourself or any other person in the vicinity, or should any damage occur to your property, while practicing our class/course.


9.     You waive your rights to take any legal action against AC for any reason.


10.   AC recommends that should you have any concerns about injury, death, damage, or loss then you should take out personal insurance.


11.   By commencing any class/course with AC you agree that you have read and understood this disclaimer document, and will willingly abide by it.

Thank you for having me in your bendy journey...

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